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Monday, March 23, 2009

Countries with Industries

Chief Industries of the Countries

Country Industries
Afghanistan Dry and fresh fruits, wool carpets
Australia Wool, dairy products, meat
Austria Textile, leather goods, electro-technical machines
Brazil Foot wear, coffee, iron ore
Belgium Glass, textiles, transport equipment
Canada Newsprint, machinery
Chile Copper, iron ore
Congo Oil, tobacco, plywood
Cuba Sugar, tobacco, textiles, chemicals
Denmark Fur,farm products
France Textile, wine, silk, iron and steel products
Germany Machinery, chemicals, iron and steel products
Ghana Cocoa, gold, coffee
India Jute, textile, sugar, hides and skins, tobacco, tea, cement, mica
Indonesia Sugar, spices, rubber, rice, petroleum, carpets, leather
Iran Petroleum, carpets, dry fruits
Iraq Dates, Petroleum
Italy Mercury, textiles, foodstuffs, footwear
Japan Machinery, textiles, toys, silk, automobiles, electronic goods
Kenya Coffee, tea, meat, sisal, hides, skins, cement, soda ash
Kuwait Petroleum, Shrimp
Malaysia Rubber, tin, timber, petroleum
Netherlands Machinery, natural gas, chemicals
Saudi Arabia Oil, dates, petroleum and its products
Spain Lead, fresh fruits, textiles
Sweden Matches, timber, iron ore
Switzerland Watches, chemicals, electrical
Taiwan Camphor, rice
UK Textiles, medicines, machinery cars
USA Petroleum, wheat, machinery, coal, automobiles, iron, grains
Russia Petroleum, wheat, chemicals, heavy machinery, iron, gold
Vietnam Tin, rice, rubber, teak, mineral ores


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